It's our Midtown Rotary tradition to acknowledge a Rotarian's sweetheart for the unsung efforts that they have contributed to our club. This year's recognition of Cori Zancanella seems long over due as she has been giving service opportunities to our club since at least 2017 with the Smithridge STEM Playground Painting Project. Cori has ran her little heart out at Ragnar and Run-a-Thons to end polio. She made us look good by deftly editing our End Polio Run-a-Thon promotional video. She has offered us learning garden opportunities and so much more. Cori is truly an hero of our club and embodies the values of Paul Harris Fellow.
Thank you to everyone who signed up for cookies. Here is the link to pay for your cookie order: Cookie-Gram Checkout.
You can double check the sign up sheet HERE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the spirit of our annual Rotary Sweetheart Social, we are giving you the chance to share the love by purchasing cookie-grams for your sweethearts! $10.00 per gram makes it a mini-fundraiser for the club to use on discretionary and whimsical needs, like socials and celebrations. Your $100 semi-annual dues for the Rotary Club of Reno Midtown are now due for the second half of the year (dues are billed bi-annually in December and June).
To ensure we have sufficient funds to pay for your share of the club's dues to the District and Rotary International (which are based on the number of members in our club), please make your payment before the end of the year. You have several options for paying your dues:
Thank you for your support and let me know if you have any questions! Kind regards, Marlowe Kulley Treasurer, Rotary Club of Reno Midtown ![]() What a great way to start your Saturday morning! We had the honor of getting to know RI President Nominee Jennifer Jones as she introduced herself to District 5190. Of course Midtown Rotary put our own spin on this viewing event by holding a Pajama Party. Whose jammies are your favorite? Karma Box located near a church on Division Street in Carson City, spotted by President Tova McGilvray.
Water in Motion is a local nonprofit that helps people pay their water bill and keep the water industry in business. Joe Carter, a wastewater operator in Lyon County, will be here to tell us all the great things the organization does.